A Specialized TCM Clinic for Chronic Illness
The HongXing TCM Clinic is one of the few clinics that specialise in providing alternative treatments for certain chronic diseases. It is an old family clinic, providing traditional Chinese herbal medicines for various illnesses. Since the 1980s, we began focusing on developing and providing formulated remedies for certain non-curable chronic diseases, particularly those that are associated with the autoimmune system. The majority of patients who have come to the clinic seeking our treatments have all previously failed to respond to conventional drugs or other forms of traditional medicines. They have suffered for many years with their illness, often leading to multiple additional health problems.

We treated our first Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) child in the 1980s. This particular boy was a steroids-dependent NS patient. He was diagnosed with NS at the age of 3. By the time he came to our clinic he was 13, taking Prednisone (35mg/day). Before that, he was treated with cyclophosphamide and steroids, but failed to respond to the treatment. As a result of the long term steroid use the boy’s physical appearance was affected and he was unable to attend school. Every time the Prednisone was decreased below 35mg/per day, he would relapse with proteinuria 3+. His immune system became increasingly weak against any cold or flu around him. At that time and still today, steroid-dependent or steroids-resistant NS was considered a non-curable disease, the conventional treatment is to control the disease by treating with steroids. Once the patient started our TCM remedy therapy, he was able to pass more urine each day and his physical appearance started to improve. He became less puffy as the therapy continued and his steroids gradually tapered off. His immune system was also noticeably improved. He became more resistant to colds and flu. However, his journey to health was not without difficulty. It took courage, persistence and trust in his treatment. He was eventually completely cured before reaching adolescence. He remains healthy even today.
Following the success of the first NS patient, we treated many other steroid-resistant or steroid-dependent patients, both children and adults. The majority of patients who received our remedy therapy were completely cured, in contrast to conventional treatment where only the symptom were controlled. Some of these NS children have now grown into healthy adults and are married with healthy children of their own.
Over the past forty years, we have received many different types of chronic disease patients. We have not only helped many cancer patients, prolonging and improving their quality of life, but also have successfully treated patients with other chronic conditions: chronic nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, IgA Nephropathy, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Henoch-Schönlein Purpura, chronic gastric ulcer, haemorrhagic prostatitis, colitis, hyperuricemia, etc.
We continue improving our formulated remedies; our aim is to provide most effective complementary and alternative remedies for some reputably non-curable chronic diseases.